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Are you thinking about adoption? You might have other better options!

Framing a family is not always easy!

From the moment we hit puberty, we are enlightened with the fact that one day you will be growing your family and adding a member to it. But what if not? What if infertility puts you down in trouble?

For many, framing a family takes lots & lots of struggle, physically, socially and emotionally, sometimes enormous financial exigencies too. Most of them have heard few many times that “you can simply adopt if you can’t get pregnant.” Well, it is quite painful for every infertile couple. The trauma because of infertility gets one down to distress and hopelessness.

However, this is not the end of the world, you have numerous options available to your doorsteps when you want nothing more than become parents. It is often confusing for couples to make decision and pick a right option at the initial stage.

Here we will try our best to provide you detailed information which will help you to make best decision for you and your family. Majorly intended parents find themselves trapped in the confusion to make choice between adoption and surrogacy. Let’s have an honest comparison between them.


Adoption is a good way to grow and carry your family forward. When you think about adopting a baby, you must keep in mind that it is very lengthy and expensive process. You have to go through extensive family background inspections no matter where you live. Your financial stability is verified whether you are enough capable to bring up a child or not. Cost of adoption varies from state to state or country to country. Adoption in India is not as easy as it looks like. It is a huge lengthy process.


In India, CARA (Central Adoption Resource Authority) keeps track of whole adoption procedure. Following are the conditions, need to satisfy in order to adopt child:

  • – The age difference between the child and intended parents must not be less than 25 years
  • – The adoptive parents must be socially, physically, mentally, emotionally stable
  • – Adoptive parents must not have any life-threatening medical condition or chronic disease
  • – A single female can adopt child of any gender, whereas a single male cannot adopt a girl child
  • – Couple must have 2 years of stable marital status
  • – Couples with 3-4 children cannot adopt a child. Exceptions, if there is special need
  • – Adoptive parents must foregather CARA definition for their financial stability


The whole adoption process in India takes round about 1-3 years which cause stress to the families. Few people narrow down their wait time by adopting boy or by being open to special need for adoption.

Following are the steps for adoption,

  • – When you want to adopt a child, first you need to register with an authorized agency. In India, RIPA (Recognized Indian Placement Agencies) and SPA (Special Adoption Agency) allowed to make registration
  • – As per CARA, home study and counselling are to be completed within 3-4 months from the registration. A social worker from the agency will make a visit for home study and counselling will be done for providing guidance to prospective parents
  • – After that whenever the child is ready for adoption, agency will share each and every detail including medical details with the parents and allow them to meet the child for some time, after parents agree with the details
  • – If the parents want to accept the child, they will have to sign few documents
  • – All those documents will be submitted to the lawyer to present in the court. Once the petition is ready, parents will have to visit the court to sign the petition
  • – After this, parents can take the child with them to home after understanding its habit and all from nursing staff
  • – Later, parents will have to visit court to attend the hearing where they will be asked few questions and judge will mention the amount to be invested on the child
  • – Court will pass the order, once the investment receipt will be shown

So as said, adoption can be an option for you, on the other hand, process is lengthy and complicated but it is not the only option for completing your family. You may choose other better options too.


Surrogacy is a life changing and rewarding experience for any infertile couple. It is an arrangement, often supported by legal agreement, whereby a woman agrees to carry a baby in her own womb for the intended couple but with certain considerations. Surrogacy Is the best, trusted and secure option.

The major difference between adoption and surrogacy is the biological linkage between intended parents and child.

In surrogacy, a woman become pregnant through IVF by making use of intended parents’ sperm and/or egg. While in adoption there is no genetic linkage between parents and child.

A birth mother can change her mind for keeping baby after its birth in adoption as it does not have any legally binding contract. Whereas in surrogacy, birth mother can’t change her mind for keeping baby after its birth as it has legally binding contract.

The legal rights are given to intended parents before the birth of the child. Whereas, in adoption, the legal rights are provided after several months of birth.

The level of control on uncertainty in surrogacy is much more than in adoption.

When it comes to cost then, surrogacy is the more expensive of the two. Surrogacy’s cost varies from country to country. 

Surrogate mothers are easily available whereas adoptive parents take several months or years to find birth mother. So, the wait time in surrogacy is much less than in adoption. 

IVF: In-Vitro Fertilization

IVF can be the best option for you as its success rate is on the top at present, no matter what infertility issues you have. If you wish to have biological relationship with your child then, IVF is for you. Nowadays people choose fertility treatments over adoption because of numerous reasons. IVF is the way cheaper than adoption and doesn’t include long legal procedure.

Infertility can attack men and women both and they are equally responsible for the contribution to get pregnant. However, there are numerous medical options available with the advancement of technology. TESE, IUI, IVF, Fertility preservation etc., help to conceive baby with high success rate.

If you want to know more about surrogacy in detail. Don’t hesitate to contact us and consult our specialists who will guide you at every step throughout your parenthood journey!