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With the scientific breakthrough, a good many chances are there to detect the medical conditions at an early stage before it gets life-snatching. Well, nature has invested immensely in female reproductive organs. It has great potency to bring another heart in this world. So, besides being delicate, it also carries a plethora of risks and complications which needs to be resolved at the right time.

Your Journey, Our Priority

Trusted gynecological Endoscopy Specialist

Advanced gynecological endoscopy is a blessing for women, whereby any gynecological peculiarities, disorder and pathologies such as infertility, endometriosis, endometrial polyps, cysts, fibroids, cervical cancer, small vaginal hemorrhages and various other conditions can be detected by using specially miniaturized instruments at Sneh Hospital.
Laparoscopic surgeries are specially devised to overthrow the frequent female disorders. Gynecological endoscopy employs laparoscopy and hysteroscopy to fulfill these purposes. What’s more, Gynae cancer and fertility raising treatments have their back on it.

Meet Dr. Sandeep Sonara

Advanced Gynaecological Endoscopy/Laparoscopic Surgeon

Boon for Patients

Why is Advanced Gynae Endoscopy Needed?
Well, it is required for myriad purposes concerning gynecological problems but mainly used fertility raising treatments and diagnose gynecological cancer.
Laparoscopic Surgery for Endometriosis
Fertility Raising Treatment
Ovarian Cystectomy
Laparoscopic Myomectomy
Laparoscopic Surgery for Prolapse
Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation
Laparoscopic Tubal Recanalization Surgery
Gynecologic Cancer & Treatment

Cancer, it is quite arduous and debilitating to deal with cancer when it is diagnosed at the worst stage. Being diagnosed and treated at the right time is the best all you can do. Moreover, some women affected by gynecological cancer prior to menopause. This risk increases with the increase in age. Gynecological cancer involves endometrial cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer etc.

Endometrial Cancer

Cervical Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Why Choose Sneh Hospital?