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IUI Treatment

Intra Uterine Insemination, or IUI, is one of the treatment options for infertility which involves directly injecting specially washed and concentrated semen (sperms) through cervix inside her uterus (womb) around the time she is ovulating.

Quick Overview

What is IUI?

What is IUI treatment process?


After initial consultation, scan is done on 2nd/ 3rd day of menses where a consultant will assess you and tablets/ injections are started for growth of follicle (egg)


You will have 2 or 3 monitoring scans to monitor the growth of your follicle and track ovulation.


Injection for surplus of follicle is given once size of follicle is 18-20mm. Ovulation is checked after 36-40 hours after trigger


Once the time is right to perform the IUI, the semen sample will be washed and prepared before the procedure.


Just as you have ovulated, the washed semen sample will be introduced into the uterus through a thin catheter. Some support medicines will be prescribed after the procedure for better results


We will invite you back to the clinic for a pregnancy blood/ urine test usually after 20 days of procedure

Who needs IUI?

What are the benefits of IUI?

Cost of IUI

IUI is quite affordable comparatively. Slight variation in cost is observed because of the factors like number of cycles, age and medications.

Success rate of IUI

As per statistics, success rate of IUI is high in younger women when juxtaposed to older women. Age is the most dominating factor for the successful IUI. Besides this, factors like type of infertility, number of cycles you have performed, fertility drugs, expertise of doctor etc. affect success rate of IUI

Risks & side effects of IUI

IUI is usually very safe procedure with possible risks and side effects in very rare cases.
Multiple babies

Possibility of conceiving twins or triplets, if more than one follicle(egg) is formed.

Sometimes ovaries get over stimulated by fertility drugs. Some OHSS are mild, very rarely severe

Medication side effects

Every medication hand out some side effects to individual’s body. Similarly, fertility drugs have some certain side effects which are minor and less matter of concern.

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IUI is much cheaper than IVF

Whole and sole, IUI has lower pregnancy rates when compared to IVF. If couples fail after 3-4 cycles of IUI then, they are recommended to IVF treatment.

Reaction of people to pain are different, what may be mild pain for one person, it maybe more painful for another person, so it depends on the bearing capacity of a person. However, IUI is usually painless process but some patients might experience mild pain which usually do not require pain killers

Depends on condition of patient and type of infertility. Usually doctors recommend to undergo 3-4 cycles of IUI before moving to IVF.

Intra Uterine Insemination, or IUI, involves directly inserting specially washed sperm into a woman’s womb by threading a thin flexible catheter through cervix at the most fertile point in her menstrual cycle

Heavy workout like lifting weights, running, jogging, running, aerobics must be avoided. It is ok to do mild workout like yoga and walking.

Usually, it is done between 12-16 days of menstrual cycle just after ovulation. In some cases, it can be delayed in case of delayed ovulation.

No, they cannot fall out once inserted. You may feel wet after the IUI process because catheter loosens mucus in the cervix and let it flow out but sperm can’t.