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All you need to know about TESA or TESE, Ahmedabad, India

Welcoming a child is one of the beautiful events in a couple’s life. Nurturing a new world for a new generation is a kind of happiness that every family wants. But sometimes, people struggle to share this happiness in their life. Infertility is a scientific term that defines this condition. Whether it is about female infertility or male infertility. The good news and regular evolution in medical sciences have opened the door to making a happy and healthy family. IVF and other infertility treatments are one of the solutions out there. When we talk about male infertility, TESA (Testicular sperm aspiration), TESE (Testicular sperm ejection), PESA, and MESA treatments are available in Ahmedabad sneh IVF.

These are infertility procedures in which the male partner’s sperm is surgically extracted. This treatment method collects sperm from the testicles using a needle or a small incision and is effective for couples with extreme male factor infertility.

Men who are getting sperm harvested for IVF/ICSI undergo the TESA treatment. It is performed under local anesthesia in the operating room or office, and it is timed to coincide with the egg retrieval of their female partner. The testicle is pierced with a needle, and tissue and sperm are aspirated.


Several young men and women have been diagnosed with cancer in recent years. Every year, the numbers rise as more children and teenagers are infected by this deadly disease. Anticancer therapies have improved over time and have successfully lowered cancer-related mortality rates. These diseases also affect the fertility of the patient. Hence there is a need for surgical treatment to ensure to retrieve the infertility condition of the patient.

Azoospermia defines a condition in which there are no sperm in the ejaculate. Since the ejaculate appears natural to the naked eye, the only way to diagnose azoospermia is to examine it under a microscope. The two most common causes of sperm absence in the ejaculate are problems with sperm production (Non-Obstructive Azoospermia) and obstruction to the flow of sperm during ejaculation (Obstructive Azoospermia). TESE – ICSI and TESA – ICSI assisted reproductive strategies have revolutionized the treatment of azoospermia, no matter how discouraging the condition may seem.

The patient is placed under local anesthesia for TESA. It is possible to do it on short notice. Just a small amount of sperm can be extracted, and the sperm can be stored in the freezer.

The TESE procedure is also carried out under local anesthesia and oral sedation. This technique has a high success rate in terms of sperm retrieval. It may also be used to make a pathological diagnosis. Although the samples can be cryopreserved, the best results come from using fresh samples. While it is the most cost-effective sperm retrieval method, there is a risk of testicular scarring and injury.

Infertility no longer has to stop you from starting a family. To get around male infertility, you can use TESA or TESE or other procedures. Consult a gynecologist to get a diagnosis as soon as possible to eliminate the problem.sneh hospital is one of the leading best male infertility treatments in Ahmedabad , Gujarat. In our team we have a range of professionals, experienced and committed in house team of gynecologist , radiologist and other staff. We also provide patients with 24 hours observation and care.

For further query give us a call and get to know about the procedure.